Thursday, June 3, 2010

Does It Still Exist: Common Courtesy?

I don't know about you guys but I think that with chivalry and manners, common courtesy too has been tossed out the window. I'm sure that it has been proven somewhere that a mans nature is shaped by the men that were in his life as a child and that the expectations that a woman places for a man she desires are too. Common courtesy is something that SHOULD be common among people but has slowly faded away.

A great example of this is when I had a conversation with my father this past weekend. We sat in my cousins restaurant and my father asked if the ex wife of the restaurant owner comes and helps out if needed. I thought to myself, "What a silly question, who does that?" I watched as my cousins daughter gave him a look of, "What the heck are you smoking?" followed by a NO. As soon as we returned home I asked him if he were in the situation would HE have helped my mother and he gave me a simple answer of, "Yes." That made me wonder what had happened between his baby boomer generation and my Y2K era that caused people to become so darn unhelpful. I thought about it and came up with a few things that I feel should be common courtesy when it comes to measuring a real friend or a person that you're sleeping with but often is not...

1) Supporting-When it comes to your friends, if you can't rely on them to support you with anything from a new relationship to a new career choice it may be time to re-evaluate. A real friend wants nothing but the best for you and WILL support you in all things because they love you.

2) Moving-A great way to know if you have a true friend is if they offer to help you move during that annoying time of need. You may not NEED their help but the offer is always appreciated.

3) Fixing Sh*t-In my opinion, if a man can't fix sh*t then he may as well be a woman go saddown somewhere. It's like required these days that women know how to cook, clean, take care of the kids, maintain a decent job, and be a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets. hard is it for a man to learn how to change a tire, check the oil in the car, or put together the freakin entertainment system? Really...I think all straight men should be required to take a maintenance class so they won't be, like the old folks say, Good For Nothings.

I don't know, maybe I'm and alot of other Virgos that I know just a different kind of breed of people. Maybe I should have been born in the 50s when chivalry was all too prevalent and courting was required before a guy could even think of reaching first base. Maybe that's my problem, and alot of other peoples problems too, we were born into a time when all the sh*t that matters doesn't exist anymore. Sucks...

Is common courtesy a myth or still prevalent in today's society? What do you guys think?


  1. I'm a little lost...

    What does fixing things have to do with good manners? lol...

    I mean... what does me laying pipe have to do with me laying pipe? lol

    This is like 2 posts in one!

  2. "...and be a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets"
    That line should be in a rap song.

  3. @SoutherCharm Well, I can understand how it can be confusing, I let my thoughts take me wherever they wanted until I ended up kinda somewhere else. lol But anyway, to me the laws of COMMON COURTESY (CC) should be followed by anyone, BUT today I'm specially talking about anyone that cares about you or considers you to be a friend, therefore...I explained a few things that in my opinion that a friend should do out of common coutesy. That is all...

  4. @TheOpinionated1

    My name is SouthernCharm, and I do not approve that message. lol.

    So you should support a friend? lol... The friends zone exists for a reason. lol. There is a fine line between common courtesy and simping... the types of things you described should only be done for girlfriends, wives, fiances, or girls who are borderline girlfriends.

  5. @SouthermCharm That brings me back to what I said up there...

    "maybe I'm and alot of other Virgos that I know is just a different kind of breed of people."

    I have several male Virgo friends that would gladly help a friend that he's not sleeping with, & I don't wanna bash any other signs because I'm sure there's plenty others that would do this out of common courtesy...this is exactly why I feel like CC doesn't exist anymore. I have to be your GF or wife to get a helping hand? What about good friend or sister??? *sigh*

  6. @SouthernCharm It's not like i'm saying pay a bill or take custody of her/his kid or don't think friends should support friends? I mean heck...isn't that what friend are for???

  7. See, you have to have your a*s in the air to get some love from somebody these days. SMH.

    THIS is exactly what the post is talking about.

  8. Why should I have to be your woman for you to help me in my time of need? We can't just be cool for you to put together my entertainment center? It's not like I'm asking you to pay a bill or something! That's why if you are a single woman these days, you gotta depend on Daddy, yourself, or fam to get the job done...even if these men would help, half of em don't know what the eff they are doin!



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Mind-A process that reasons

Candy-Something that is pleasing or pleasureable

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