1. A Dreadhead-I was never interested in guys with dreads until one of the several times that I went to the STL for the Gateway classic doing my college years. They were everywhere. I didn't realize dreadheads could be so sexy. My only drawback to this man is when he has some messed up, matted up, nappy looking dreads. I can understand being happy to be nappy but not happy to look like a bum.
2. An Artist-And I don't mean rap artist. I love talent and it's something about a man that can draw that I love. Probably because I grew up drawing and taking art classes so I can really appreciate it. I'd love to replay the famous scene from the movie Titanic with a man that I liked and that was an awesome artist. *fawning*
3. A Very Smart Brotha(VSB)-There is nothing like a man that can turn a chick on in the bedroom and in the classroom (or any situation where he has to be knowledgeable). I don't care what anyone says, intelligence is sexy (unless Steve Urkels equivalent is spitting it) and intriguing. There's nothing more unsettling than a brotha that's texting you and mis-spelling every other word. *cringes*
4. A Man Of Latin Descent-Preferrably Puerto Rican or Dominican. These guys are like the equivalent to the brothas exotic fantasies I'm sure. All I know is that some, not all, of these guys be looking (yea I said BE LOOKING) muy caliente. It would be interesting to experience what it would be like to date a man of this ethnicity.
5. A Famous Person-I believe that
So maybe my Dreadhead can become a Famous visual Artist after he gets his degree and officially becomes a VSB, and we can move to Latin America so that if he fux the situation up I can easily find me a Dominican or Puerto Rican to spice up my life...*laughs out loud*
So...I would like to know if it IS in fact just me or can you guys relate to what I'm saying, and if so...what types of guys/chicks have you never experienced and have a desire a to do so???
I do believe all of these types of guys you mentioned sounds pretty yummy to me. :)