Thursday, May 27, 2010

I'm Just Saying: Types Of Guys I'd Like To Date...

Out of the several guys I've dated, there's still some genres of the male dating pool that I have yet to cross. I'm sure that I'm not the only person that has sat down and thought about different types of guys/girls I want to 'try' out. (well maybe I am but i'm weird like that) My list of guys that I am interested in dating if I ever before I settle down goes as followed...

1. A Dreadhead-I was never interested in guys with dreads until one of the several times that I went to the STL for the Gateway classic doing my college years. They were everywhere. I didn't realize dreadheads could be so sexy. My only drawback to this man is when he has some messed up, matted up, nappy looking dreads. I can understand being happy to be nappy but not happy to look like a bum.

2. An Artist-And I don't mean rap artist. I love talent and it's something about a man that can draw that I love. Probably because I grew up drawing and taking art classes so I can really appreciate it. I'd love to replay the famous scene from the movie Titanic with a man that I liked and that was an awesome artist. *fawning*

3. A Very Smart Brotha(VSB)-There is nothing like a man that can turn a chick on in the bedroom and in the classroom (or any situation where he has to be knowledgeable). I don't care what anyone says, intelligence is sexy (unless Steve Urkels equivalent is spitting it) and intriguing. There's nothing more unsettling than a brotha that's texting you and mis-spelling every other word. *cringes*

4. A Man Of Latin Descent-Preferrably Puerto Rican or Dominican. These guys are like the equivalent to the brothas exotic fantasies I'm sure. All I know is that some, not all, of these guys be looking (yea I said BE LOOKING) muy caliente. It would be interesting to experience what it would be like to date a man of this ethnicity.

5. A Famous Person-I believe that everyone most people should have at least one famous person under their *clears throat* belt (And not a local celeb or one hit wonder type, barely known Z list celeb). Being that I stay in a State where expecting to see a celeb on a regular basis is like finding a hundred dollar bill just laying on the sidewalk (good luck with that), i'm already knowing that this one probably will never happen...but if it did Idris Elba and Trey Songz would be at the top of my wish list!

So maybe my Dreadhead can become a Famous visual Artist after he gets his degree and officially becomes a VSB, and we can move to Latin America so that if he fux the situation up I can easily find me a Dominican or Puerto Rican to spice up my life...*laughs out loud*

So...I would like to know if it IS in fact just me or can you guys relate to what I'm saying, and if so...what types of guys/chicks have you never experienced and have a desire a to do so???

1 comment:

  1. I do believe all of these types of guys you mentioned sounds pretty yummy to me. :)



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Mind-A process that reasons

Candy-Something that is pleasing or pleasureable

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