Last week, Debrahlee Lorenzana made headlines when her employer, a Citibank branch in New York fired her for allegedly being too good looking. Her bosses disagree, blaming her work performance on the split. Now I’ve seen my share of sexy guys at work, but I think termination is a pretty extreme punishment, especially for something that you have to half way blame (and thank) your parents for.
According to Lorenzana, the bosses complained that they couldn’t concentrate on their work because her appearance was too distracting. She went on to say that maybe if she gained 20 lbs, she’d look like everyone else and would’ve kept her job. Insult!! Lol.
This brings me to my question. Can a man or woman be too sexy of a distraction at work, and if so, would that really be a bad thing?
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4 hours ago
It would be motivation to me if my male co-workers were nice looking. I mean, if she's not showing cleavage or wearing something short, then I don't see what the problem is. In my opinion, alot of corporate/government jobs are sexist and just don't own up to it. I'm sure the fact that she's a woman had everything to do with her being fired and not because of her beauty. She probably had more going on education wise (or something) than alot of the men in her company and they were simply threatened, as in alot of cases.